News & Advice
North Gold Coast Electrical is a full service Gold Coast based electrician, our team is experienced in a range of fields including electrical installations and servicing, communications cabling and servicing and the supply and installation of electronic security systems such as alarms and intercoms. Part of our service is attending homes and businesses to thermally…
Is your home electrically safe? Regardless of whether you’ve lived in a home for years or you’ve just moved in, as power consumption and temperatures rise old and damaged electrical installations and cabling can pose real safety risks for your family and your home. Responding to the concerns of our valued customers North Gold Coast…
Special Offer: Get a security system installed by North Gold Coast Electrical in the month of November and for $99 you can upgrade to an intuitive touchscreen keypad! (Click Image to enhance) * Terms & Conditions Apply: Not to be used in conjunction with other offers. Prices are valid for month of November 2016, subject…
North Gold Coast Electrical Isn’t just your best bet for the comprehensive satisfaction of your domestic and commercial electrical needs. We also provide electronic security system installation and maintenance. Electronic Security Systems are a proven and reliable method of deterring the burglary of and unauthorised access to your home or business. With advancements in technology alarm…
North Gold Coast Electrical has been involved in some fantastic projects lately. The Picture here is from a project we completed for popular Mexican fast food chain Guzman Y Gomez. There newest store located at Buranda in Brisbane has been a privilege to complete. The shops design features some of the best trends in commercial…
IF you compare a home from the 1970s to a modern home of today, not only have house sizes increased but the number of appliances and energy consuming devices has drastically increased. From air conditioners, dishwashers, personal computers and charging mobile devices like smart phones and tablets, there are significantly more pieces of power consuming…
It’s the time of year when most of us are firing up our air conditioners to beat the scorching temperatures of summer. Summer temperatures have been well above average here on the Gold Coast forcing many to turn to their air conditioning system to provide much needed relief. However the way you use your air…