General News
North Gold Coast Electrical is always looking for ways to support the community. So our director has signed up to Dry July to raise funds for people affected by cancer. We’d love for you to support us and make a donation; http://www.dryjuly.com/users/peter-malady The funds we raise will help provide comfort and support to cancer patients and…
Scarcely a week goes by without multiple enquiries to our office from aspiring electricians looking to gain an electrical apprenticeship. When we’ve advertised to recruit apprentices in the past we’ve often received hundreds of applications in a number of days. All this is to say there’s huge demand for electrical apprentice positions from jobseekers, so…
You’ll find clipsal’s classic range of switches and power outlets in homes and businesses all over Australia. But you might not yet have seen their new range of ‘Iconic’ products. Which sees sleek new designs and modern features integrated with that classic clipsal quality.Here’s how Clipsal describe them:”Clipsal Iconic® is a modern electrical accessories range, based…
Changes to RCD requirements The wiring rules have changed in Australia and your switchboard might be due for a change with them. Previously only circuits with socket outlets required protection from a residual current device (or ‘safety switches’) but now all final sub-circuits need to be protected. That means not only your power points but…
In the Christmas season it is great to see more and more homes bringing colour and light to their neighbourhoods with dramatic Christmas lighting installations celebrating the festive season. Its important to make sure the lighting you’re using and the way its installed doesn’t cause any electrical or fire hazards. Worksafe Queensland provides the following…
Loading… Note: Multiple entries will not be considered valid. Entrants must like North Gold Coast Electrical’s Facebook page and share either the page or competition post in order to qualify for entry into the competition, results will be cross-checked for compliance. The prize is sealed in original boxing. The winner may collect the prize in…