Smoke Alarms: The Laws for Queensland Homeowners

Requirements for new homes

– Homes built before 1997 that do not currently have smoke alarms installed will require at least one 9 volt smoke alarm to be fitted.
– All new homes built after  this date require at least one hard wired smoke alarms installed in the home installed by a licensed electrician.

Since people only have around three minutes to escape their house from a burning fire, smoke alarms can be the difference between life and death provide enough warning to escape a burning property.

Battery operated alarms versus hard wired alarms

Battery operated alarms provide a reasonable level of protection provided that batteries are changed yearly and they are regularly tested with the required button or self-test facility on the alarm. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain these in working order. The Queensland Fire & Rescue Service (QFRS) recommends the use of multiple alarms and hard wired alarms where possible for enhanced protection. Additionally a maximum lifespan on a smoke alarm should not exceed 10 years.

Hard wired photoelectric alarms that detect smoke by ‘seeing’ visible smoke particles are the option recommended the QFRS since they detect smoke best and are not reliant on batteries.

How many smoke detectors are required in a home?

There are a few rules about how smoke detectors are located in a household:

– They must be located in proximity to the sleeping areas of the home if these are close to the rest of the home on the floor plan one alarm will be sufficient. If sleeping areas are separated in the home, additional alarms are required.
– Multi-levelled homes need additional smoke alarms on each level.

Your electrical contractors here at North Gold Coast Electrical can help supply and install smoke alarms battery or hard wired smoke alarms so your home is compliant with Queensland legislation and to ensure the safety of you and your family. For more free government resources for smoke alarms and community safety please visit The QFRS Website.